Ballet Studio Belle Ange
代表 木原 暉子 (Kiko Kihara)
2017 Portland State University にて America Plus Program 修了
2018 Portland State University にて Intensive English Language Program 修了
American Ballet Theatre Pre-Primary through Level 3 Teacher Training Session 修了
2019 Ballet Studio Belle Ange 設立
2020 Ballet Studio Belle Ange 第一回発表会 ~ a Brand New Day~
2021 バレエ軸®︎ベーシックトレーナー資格講座修了
Ballet Studio Belle Ange 第二回バレエコンサート
エルム子どもバレエスタジオ& Ballet Studio Belle Ange On Stage ~Sisters~
American Ballet Theatre Level 4 & 5 Teacher Training Session 修了
American Ballet Theatre 認定バレエ講師 (Pre-Primay through Level 5)
JADP ピラティスインストラクター
JADP 整体ボディケアセラピスト
JADP ヨガインストラクター
Ballet Studio Belle Ange is proud to include the AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE® National Training Curriculum, a breakthrough 9 level program that combines high quality artistic training with the basics of dancer health and child development. The ABT® National Training Curriculum consists of a comprehensive set of age-appropriate, outcome-based guidelines to provide the highest quality ballet training to dance students of all ages and skill levels. Pre-Primary through Level 5 will be taught by ABT® Certified Teacher, Kiko Sato, who has successfully completed the ABT® Teacher Training Intensive in Pre-Primary through Level 5 of the ABT® National Training Curriculum.
講師 亀 珠美 (Tamami Kame)
2012 Australian Conservatoire of Ballet スカラシップ受賞 短期留学
20113-2016 京都バレエ専門学校高等課程
2016-2019 Ballett fordre zentrumz(ドイツ)
2019-2020 Dancer in Art Juniorcontemporary(オランダ)
Jet Leany Dance Theatre(マレーシア)
Progressing Ballet Technique指導者資格取得