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​代表 木原 暉子 (Kiko Kihara)



​2017   Portland State University にて America Plus Program 修了​

2018   Portland State University にて Intensive English Language Program 修了

              American Ballet Theatre Pre-Primary through Level 3 Teacher Training Session 修了


​2019      Ballet Studio Belle Ange 設立

2020      Ballet Studio Belle Ange 第一回発表会 ~ a Brand New Day~ 


2021      バレエ軸®︎ベーシックトレーナー資格講座修了   

     Ballet Studio Belle Ange 第二回バレエコンサート

     エルム子どもバレエスタジオ& Ballet Studio Belle Ange On Stage ~Sisters~

​             American Ballet Theatre Level 4 & 5 Teacher Training Session 修了

American Ballet Theatre 認定バレエ講師 (Pre-Primay through Level 5)


JADP ピラティスインストラクター

JADP 整体ボディケアセラピスト

JADP ヨガインストラクター



Ballet Studio Belle Ange is proud to include the AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE® National Training Curriculum, a breakthrough 9 level program that combines high quality artistic training with the basics of dancer health and child development. The ABT® National Training Curriculum consists of a comprehensive set of age-appropriate, outcome-based guidelines to provide the highest quality ballet training to dance students of all ages and skill levels. Pre-Primary through Level 5 will be taught by ABT® Certified Teacher, Kiko Sato, who has successfully completed the ABT® Teacher Training Intensive in Pre-Primary through Level 5 of the ABT® National Training Curriculum.

​講師 亀 珠美  (Tamami Kame)



2012   Australian Conservatoire of Ballet スカラシップ受賞 短期留学

20113-2016 京都バレエ専門学校高等課程


​2016-2019 Ballett fordre zentrumz(ドイツ)

2019-2020 Dancer in Art Juniorcontemporary(オランダ)

Jet Leany Dance Theatre(マレーシア)

Progressing Ballet Technique指導者資格取得

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